Review: In the Tall Grass (2019)
Good concept badly executed.
The story unfolds very slowly, the first half of the film is very much just people getting lost in the tall grass, but no tension, not much that would keep me personally paying attention. The second half of the film is somewhat better as there is more things happening, but still there was no tension, no pressure built, and not really that many horror elements. You will get various timelines overlapping and this specific idea will keep you focused for at least a couple of minutes, as well as quite interesting character development and reveal of the "evil". Overall, however, the film gets way too long to be unsettling, way too long for me to enjoy.
Slow motion and animating of the grass reminds me of Lars von Trier's Antichrist. Several scenes felt like they would have fit in that movie, too. Slow motion, zoomed in pictures of grass and rain drops are frequent and honestly they made me want to jump out a closed window and they accomplished only that the tension building was further ruined in my opinion. Not a big fan of that.
Overall, there is not much to see, you only get to see grass and sky and darkness during night scenes, which makes it pretty close to what the characters would see. The characters are.. well they do not stand out. I expected much more from a film starring Patrick Wilson.. As for the dialogues, there are some trying really hard to make you feel for the characters, in my opinion though, they do not work and are just way too cliche-like and not fitting into the mood of given situations.
There will be some interesting scenes towards the end of the film, a slight bit of gore, quite nice play of contrasting colors, some well-chosen costumes. But this all is mostly within last 20 minutes I believe. If you like this type of slow films, maybe give it a try. But it's not my cup of tea.
Tension: 2 | Originality: 7 | Gore: 1-2
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